Data is something that is very important so no wonder we try our best to save their important data. One of the safest places to store data is on our own computer.
Before we proceed on how to lock folders in Windows, you need to know a few reasons why we need to lock or restrict data access to others:
- Protect important files that you want others not to know. You certainly do not want others to steal or take important data that you have. Save it in a folder then lock it to be one solution that can be taken.
- Prevent data theft in the company. Usually, the company has some important data that only the leaders or the authorities know about. Locking a folder can be used on a used computer.
- Maintain someone’s privacy. Many people are very disciplined to maintain their privacy, including one of them reflected on the computer they use. They can hide files related to privacy in a locked folder.
- How to Lock a Folder in Windows with the Secret Folder Application
- How to Lock a Folder in Windows Using Notepad Help
- How to Lock a Folder in Windows with the 7zip Application
How to Lock a Folder in Windows with the Secret Folder Application
First, lock a folder in Windows using the Secret Folder application. This application is classified as very light because it measures just 4 MB.
Also, Secret Folder has a simple display so it’s very easy to use. Following are the steps to lock a folder in Windows via Secret Folder:
- First of all, if you have not installed the application on your PC or laptop, then download and install it first.
- Before installing, right-click the .exe type file then select Run as Administrator. Don’t forget to choose the English language setting to make it easier to use the Secret Folder later
- Follow the steps and click Next until a window appears asking you to enter a password.
- Enter a strong password. If necessary, you should write it down on paper and save it so you don’t forget.
- Enter your recovery email, which is your email address just in case you forget the password.
- Click OK
- After that, add the folder you want to lock. Click + Add, then select Lock and the folder you selected is locked.
- Folders that are locked via Secret Folder will not be visible in Windows Explorer. If you want to make it visible, you have to open the lock through the Secret Folder application again.
How to Lock a Folder in Windows Using Notepad Help
Locking a Folder can also be done with the help of Notepad, with the following steps:
- Select the folder to lock, or you can create a new folder.
- Enter the folder, then make a note using notepad to save it into a .txt file.
- Type the format below in notepad:
title Private
if EXIST folder "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder (Y / N)
set / p "cho =>"
if% cho% = = Y goto LOCK
if% cho% == y goto LOCK
if% cho% == n goto END
if% cho% == N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Provate "HTG Locker"
attrib + h + s "HTG Locker"
echo Folder Locked
goto END
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set / p "pass =>"
goto FAIL
attrib-h-s "HTG Locker"
ren "HTG Locker" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
Md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End
: End
- Change the “PASSWORD_DISINI” above, to the password you want,
- Then Save As the file with the name locker.bat. Save as type file is also changed to All Files
- After saving locker.bat, delete the file notepad. Txt earlier.
- Then, open the locker.bat file by double-clicking, a folder called ‘Privacy’ will appear
- Enter the files that you want to lock into the folder
- Open again locker.bat, a black display will appear as in the Command Prompt, press the Y key, Enter then the private folder will disappear from Explorer.
- In that folder, only the locker.bat file remains. To open it again, double-click locker.bat, then enter the password to open it, press Enter, and the folder appears again in Explorer.
How to Lock a Folder in Windows with the 7zip Application
This third method uses the 7zip application. Here are the steps:
- First of all, download the 7zip application and install it on your PC or laptop
- Select the folder to lock, right-click, select 7zip, add to archive (add to archive)
- Then the 7zip window appears, select the desired archive format. You should use the zip format.
- Type the password to lock the folder as a zip format file. Choose a password that is difficult for anyone to break.
- Click OK, the folder has been locked
- If you want to open the folder, then enter the password that was set earlier.
- Done